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I’ve been busy, super busy to the point that I’ve burnt out a few times but that’s only because I have been fortunate enough to be a part of several campaigns with the top fashion retails stores in South Africa, one of them being LEGiT.

In the past LEGiT has partnered up with big names in the industry to be at the forefront of their seasonal collections.  I was taken aback when I was approached by this youthful and vibrant brand to be a part of a collective that would be leading the Autumn/Winter collection for 2016. Together we would be known as the LEGiT FiRESTARTERS and that’s exactly what we all are “firestarters” – in our own right.

What is a FiRESTARTER you may ask? Well that is the same question we got asked and I sat there clueless until I had the most intriguing conversation with a close friend about Astrology and Numerology. Weird. Geeking out until the early hours of the morning, we realised that reading up on the stars and how the numbers are so directly linked to our personalities a lot was put into perspective. The answers we were getting made a lot of sense to us about who we are.

Realising what makes you unique, what makes you stand out is probably the best discovery as it helps you illustrate that to other people so when they ask you, “Twigs, why are you so cool. What sets you apart from the rest of the bloggers when there are literally 10s and 100s of you guys (bloggers) now?”  This type of questions has become easier to understand now that I am starting to come into a better understanding of who I am.

I am rebellious.

I am sensitive.

I am outspoken.

I am not afraid to make anyone feel uncomfortable. I take risks. That’s who I am, that’s what sets me apart from the others, that’s what makes a FiRESTARTERS. It’s so easy to curate a certain image when you are trying to break into the entertainment industry but being yourself is just better, it’s easier.

My role in this campaign has been like no other. We have been quite hands on in terms of styling, setting the tone for the campaign and producing content on our social media platforms. Which I absolutely love. I cannot wait to share the various ways that you can style the unique pieces available at all LEGiT stores this Winter!


Twiggy Moli

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