Hello, Vlogging World!


One evening in Cape Town my sister, Lesedi and best friend Noxy, and I had just come back from shooting a really dope interview for the Jameson Indie channel. We came back in high spirits and as we always do, we congregated around the kitchen table to have our regular chats about boys, pop culture and how bizarre life is, over some hubbly and yummy spiked Oros.

One of my older and much wiser friends from Joburg was in the city shooting something major himself and decided to join us for late night drinks and chats. He introduced himself to the ladies, took a seat and for a good 15 minutes he sat in silence, just listening to us and taking in everything that we were saying. Out of all my friends, he’s probably one of the only humans who reads people and situations really really well.
 Finally he started talking and teased us about how we should/could make a thing out of these “round table” discussions. Naturally we brushed it off until people kept suggesting that we release podcasts, get into reality tv or vlogging.
Vuzu hasn’t approached us yet LOL so we have decided to start off with vlogging. Noxy is in Cape Town finishing her final year of law school so Lesedi and I will be inviting you into our everyday discussions and adventures through vlogging; out eat out and look posts don’t do any justice to what we actually get up to on the daily.
Lesedi and I don’t spend every waking moment together so I will be
posting up hair and make-up tutorials, everyday blackgirl problem discussions and some “behind-the-scenes” of the fun things we get to do with our super cool friends and family.
We hope this idea excites you guys as much as it excites us! We can’t wait to share a different aspect of our lives. Who knows, this might blow up into something really major (Vuzu, we’re waiting).
view our Jameson Indie channel Cab Ride here:





  1. March 25, 2015 / 6:26 pm

    i enjoyed watching this. “this impeccable combo of baes”

    • March 26, 2015 / 6:02 am

      Thank you, Z!
      We will be posting more content on our YouTube channel soon!