During the #SAMA22 it is literally essential for everyone to look their very best, whether you are an A-list celebrity sitting in the audience or you’re a backstage crew member, ushering the artists and guest presenters on stage as they wait for their queue.
This didn’t occur to me till it was 2pm and I was chilling backstage in our wardrobe room waiting for everything to happen. Literally chilling in a tee and leggings and a fresh face. I don’t think it had quite hit me that I would be casually bumping into the likes of Bonang Matheba and Petite Noir as they prepared backstage with their individual glam teams. Panic hit me like a ton of bricks as we drove into the venue after a food run when I noticed the rows and rows of crazy, excited fans starting to line up outside the Durban ICC, waiting in anticipation for their favourite music stars to make their way to the show.
Fortunately for me, I had made plans to see my new fav hair stylist, Jawad of Lajawi Beauty Cafe in Melrose, the mastermind behind my new platinum hairstyle, for a quick touch up and a glass of champagne to calm the nerves before the show. Remembering this, I quickly made my way to the Hilton Hotel where all the important industry people were staying for my touch up and escape from the madness. Little did I know, Lajawi had partnered up with GH MUMM and True Love Magazine for an incredible glam room! I was greeted at the door with a glass of cold bubbles and was quickly escorted to Nokuzola’s beauty chair for what was supposed to be a quick and light face beat – this did not happen. As with most make-up artists, a light beat is never possible when you have cheek bones chiseled and sculptured to perfection by God himself.
About an hour and a half later of baking, contouring and getting my browns on fleek, I opened my front camera on Snapchat to see how I looked – I slayed by mistake – literally. I was only meant to be in the glam room for a hair touch up and left with my hair, nails and face done. Ooops! I wasn’t apologetic at all as I looked great. Now with this face, there was absolutely no chance that I would run around the venue, snapping celebs with my face done but a below average outfit so my fellow crew member borrow me a cute LBD to run around and look fabulous with.
Thanks to the Lajawi and DNA team for hooking me up with the best glam room experience!

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Looking too gorgeous Twiggs 🙂
Thank you 🙂